The Lettington/Stubbs RAGBRAI Home Page

Training for RAGBRAI XXXIII. No, I didn't ride the Terratrike this year but it is fun to ride and a good way to get in some miles.
A brief history of the Lettington RAGBRAI experience: Kay rode 1988, 89, and 90 with only moral support from Tom by long distance.
In 1994, Tom (with Graham Stubbs) drove support and caught the bug. Kay rode with Stephanie Stubbs. In
1998, 2000, 01, 02, 03, and 04 Tom and Kay both rode. Tom rode with Matt and Drew in 2005. That's 10 for Kay and 7 for Tom.
Stubbs recap: Stephanie rode 1988, 90, 94, 98, 2001, 02 and 04 (7 times). Graham drove support with Tom Lettington in 1994 and
rode in 1998, 2000 (without Stephanie), 01, 02 and 04 (5 times).

The RAGBRAI XXXIII (2005) is now in the history books with Tom, Matt, and Drew riding while Kay, Kristen, and Max supporting them in the RoadTrek.
A fantastic time was had by all! We had great weather after the first couple of days and the relatively easy ride allowed the guys to get in
early enough that the whole family could enjoy the activities of the overnight towns.

The Lettington's and Stubbs (Cinnanumbuns) to ride RAGBRAI XXXII (2004) is also now history. This was the most enjoyable ride ever
for all of us. We rode with the Ankeny club again - good poeple! Kay rode her new Haluzak Hybrid Leprachaun and loved it.
RAGBRAI XXXI (2003) found only Tom and Kay on the ride being supported by the Ankeny Bicycle Club - a great bunch! This was the first year for Kay's Teratrike recumbent trike. An accident midday on day 1 took Kay
out of the ride at the end of the day. Only by an amazing display of intestinal fortitude and some help from the RAGBRAI first aid wagon did she make it through the day.
Tom rode day 2 and decided to call it quits rather than go on alone with Kay sagging out each day nursing a very painful batch of road rash.
RAGBRAI 2002 is history now also. The Lettington's and the Stubbs' all survived. Greg and Georgie Berch joined Team Cinnanumbuns with Greg riding and Georgie driving support. Bobbie and Al Skinner graciously loaned us their pop-up tent trailer. This was the first year for Tom's recumbent, a Haluzak Horizon.
Greg was in much better condition than the rest of us and I think he coasted most of the way but still had a good time. The route for the July 21 through July 27, 2002
30th Anniversary ride started in Souix Center and ended in Bellevue. 480 miles and 10,800 feet of cululative climb. Here is a pitcure taken at the River in Bellview.
The dipping of rear wheels in the Missouri River in Souix City in July 23, 2001 (left to right: Kay Lettington, Tom Lettington, Stephanie Stubbs,
Graham Stubbs) is here , and Kay and Tom dipping front wheels in the Mississippi River at Muscatine
is here. The rest was a story of raw survival! 549 miles and over 18,000 feet of cumulative climb! This year we had support organized by the Des Moines Cycle Club and provided by the crew from the Dog House Bike Shop in Indianola, Iowa.
Kay's pictures of RAGBRAI 2000 are here. We had support from the Wilcox family with a fifth wheel trailer. Tom and Kay and Graham slept in tents. Kay's cousin Charles and his wife Darla drove part way and their son Brian drove the rest
1998 ride pictures are here.
The "Official" RAGBRAI home page is here including "Virtual RAGBRAI XXIX" here.